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Competition FAQs

Jumping into the world of competitive dance is an exciting time in a young dancers education, but it can also feel a tad overwhelming for parents who are unfamiliar with the dance world. We are here to help! Here are some frequently asked questions about what being on our competitive team entails...


Q: When are the 2025-2026 SDC auditions?

A: All of our auditions are on Monday, June 16th. All ages are of January 1, 2025

5:00-5:45 - Ages 5-8

 6:00-7:30 - Ages 9-12

 7:45-9:15 - Ages 13+ 

Q: Do dancers need to audition?

A: Yes! At company auditions, we are gauging a dancers current ability, knowledge, progress, classroom behavior, ability to take direction, assessing potential, and overall enthusiasm for dance. Parents do not need to sign-up in advance to attend auditions.

Q: What should they wear/bring to auditions?

A: Dancers can wear any leotard and tights, or dance wear set to auditions. In regard to shoes, they should bring ballet and jazz shoes, and should have the ability to be barefoot. Hair should be neatly and securely pulled back, and no jewelry. Stud earrings are acceptable.

Q: Do dancers need to prepare anything in advance for the audition?

A: No, your dancer will not need to prepare a solo or learn anything prior to the audition.  We typically start the audition with a few ballet exercises, do jazz progressions across the floor, then finish with a contemporary/lyrical combination in the center. We may also ask for the dancers to demonstrate a few stretches to test their flexibility. 

Q: How do I know if my child made the team?

A: We send out acceptances via email within a week after auditions. From there, we will need your response by the acceptance deadline to officially take your place on the team!

After Auditions

Q: When does competition season start?

A: Dance is not a seasonal sport and requires year round training in order to achieve a high level of proficiency. With that said, we begin each new training season in the summer after we return from Nationals. Dates can vary based on when the previous seasons National event falls. For 2024, mandatory classes and camps will run from July 30th-August 17th. 


Important Dates: Summer 2025

July 8th-31st Evening technique classes (Tues-Thurs)

August 6th-8th Evening technique classes

August 4th Parent Meeting

August 4th-9th *CHOREOGRAPHY CAMP*

August 11th-13th DeViate in House Convention

September 8th First Day of Fall Classes

Q: What's Choreography Camp?

A: Choreography camp is a week long intensive where we teach the vast majority of our competition dances for the season. Attendance is required for all dancers. Camp runs from 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday. Dancers only need to be at the studio for their rehearsals, meaning they will not necessarily need to be there all day every day.

Q: How many competitions/conventions does Supernova Dance Company participate in?

A: As a team, we participate in 5-6 regional events and one national event. Regional competitions/conventions are typically within a 1-3 hour drive, while nationals may require greater travel commitment. We also like to host a handful of required in-house events to promote team bonding, and provide the dancers with additional training and educational experiences. Events vary from year to year.

Q: What is the time commitment for Supernova's competitive dancers?

A: There are two factors that effect the amount of time a dancer will be required to be at the studio; age/level placement, and the number of competition dances they are selected for. Our competitive students are required to be at the studio for technique classes and rehearsals anywhere from 2-5 days a week. Mini dancers should expect to commit to 2-3 days per week, while more advanced dancers should expect to commit to 3-4 days per week. Some dancers volunteer to assist, take extra classes, or may have rehearsals which can result in an extra night. Each level has it's own required weekly technique classes. Company rehearsals are separate from these classes. Saturdays are when we run the majority of our rehearsals.

Q: How many dances will my dancer perform?

A: Minis generally learn and perform 1-2 competition dances. For older dancers, there is a 2 dance minimum requirement (the team production, and one large group), however dancers can be invited to perform upwards of 10 competition pieces. At the beginning of the season, we will send out a form asking what your family is willing to commit to.

Q: What's a dance convention?

A: Dance conventions are events that have a competition component, however they also offer a series of workshop classes on top of that. As a team, we primarily participate in convention competitions.

Q: What about payments and billing?

A: Fees are separated into two monthly payments; tuition and company fees. Monthly tuition payments cover the cost of weekly technique classes, and are billed on the 1st of the month (Sept-June). Tuition details and rates can be found, here. Company fees are billed on the 15th of the month (August-June). Monthly company fees include all competition/convention entry fees, choreography fees, and a $50 costume deposit per dance. Additional expenses include company jacket, uniforms, travel expenses, costume balances, conditioning supplies (yoga blocks, resistance bands), recital fees, hair and makeup supplies, etc.

Supernova Dance Company | Forest Hill, MD | 410.638.6332

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